From 5th January to 6th April 2025. 5th January (Epiphany):
- 47: Brightest and best - 48: Earth has many - 51: As with gladness 53Songs of thankfulness 12th January (Baptism of Christ) - 147: Crown Him with many - 142: Hail to the Lord’s - 146: When morning guilds - 139: Rejoice the Lord 19th January (2nd of Epiphany) - 331: The God of Abraham - 199: Immortal, invisible - 53: Songs of thankfulness - 209:Through all the changing 26th January (3rd of Epiphany) - 263: Lord enthroned - 194: King of glory - 124O: for a thousand - 214: Guide me 2nd February (Presentation of Christ at the temple. / Candlemass) - 131: Love divine - 336: All my hope - 266: We hail thy presence - 113: Father hear the prayer - 117: Praise to the holiest 9th February (4th Sunday before Lent) - 162: Jesus where’er - 115: Dear Lord and Father - 102: My God how wonderful - 458: Forth in the peace 16th February (3rd Sunday before Lent) - 336: All my hope - 157: Breathe on me - 238: Blest are the pure - 142: Hail to the Lord’s 23rd February (2nd Sunday before Lent) - 343: Be thou my vision - 95: Holy, holy, holy - 131: Love divine - 143: Jesus shall reign 2nd March (Sunday next before Lent) - 4: Christ whose glory - 96: Bright the vision - 199: Immortal, invisible - 122: How sweet the name 9th March (1st of Lent) - 56: Forty days - 102: My God how wonderful - 123: Jesu lover of my soul - 230: O for heart 16th March (2nd of Lent) - 2: New every morning - 343: Be thou my vision - 336: All my hope - 331: The God of Abraham 23rd March (3rd of Lent) - 4: Christ whose glory - 112: God moves in a - 113: Father hear the prayer - 195: Praise the Lord 30th March (Mothering Sunday) - 342: Awake, awake - 104: For the beauty - 131: Love divine - 205: Now thank we 6th April (5th of Lent) - 224: Lead us heavenly - 63: My song is love - 70: It is a thing - 141: The head that once Comments are closed.