From 6th October to 29th December 2024. 6th October (20 after Pentecost)
- 143: Jesus shall reign - 394: Lord of all hopefulness - 33: Of the father;s love - 160: We love the place - 217: Be thou my guardian 13th Oct. (21 of Pentecost) - 263: Lord enthroned - 179: God of mercy - 166: Lord thy word - 97: Father of heaven - 235: O Jesus I have promised 20th Oct. (22d of Pentecost) - 101: O worship the King - 312: Jesus calls us - 106: Lord of beauty - 212: Who would true valour - 209: Through all the changing 27th October (23rd Pentecost) - 470: Hills of the north - 122: How sweet the name - 133: Immortal love - 458: Forth in the peace - 102: My God how wonderful 3rd November (All saints) - 305: For all the saints - 258: Author of life - 122: How sweet the name - 70: It is a thing - 182: Let the saints on earth 10th November (Remembrance) - 336: All my hope - 260: And now, O father - 133: Immortal love - 376: In Christ there is * Or your traditional Remembrance hymns 17th November (26th after Pentecost) - 262: Alleluia sing to Jesus - 53: Songs of thankfulness - 343: Be thou my vision - 172: Glorious things - 331: The God of Abraham 24th November (Christ the King) - 100: All people on earth - 126: The King of love - 250: Thou didst leave - 422: Tell out my soul - 428: Thine be the glory 1st December (Advent) - 26: O come, O come - 31: Come thou long - 28: Lo he comes - 25: The advent of our King - 470: Hills of the north 8th December (2nd of Advent) - 24: Hark a thrilling voice - 27: On Jordan's bank - 131: Love divine - 180: Thou whose almighty - 30: Hark the glad sound 15th December (3rd of Advent) - 139: Rejoice the Lord is King - 264: We pray the heavenly - 25: The advent of our King - 28: Lo he comes - 184: Jerusalem the golden 22nd December (4th of Advent) - 43: A great and mighty wonder - 48: Earth has many - 422: Tell out my soul - 166: Lord thy word abideth - 143: Jesus shall reign 29th December (1 of Christmas) - 39: Of the father's love Angels from the realms of - 43: A great and mighty - 42: In the bleak - 249: Take my life Comments are closed.