The Parish of Wigmore Abbey (PoWA Parish) services are led by members of our team of Worship Leaders, which includes Revd Adrian Thompson, our Priest-in-Charge, self-supporting ministers, Revd Lizzy Womack and Revd Lucy Thompson, our C of E Readers and some Lay Worship Leaders. We are also thankful for some support from retired clergy. Our hope and prayer is that, through our welcome and you joining in our Christian worship, you will encounter God, in ways which both bless you and equip you to bless others in your own neighbourhood and beyond.
If you do join us, the following Bible verse can act as our prayer for you: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13).
If you do join us, the following Bible verse can act as our prayer for you: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13).
What To Expect When You First Attend?
Going to church for the first time can be a little daunting, but we are here to help you make that first step. The key is to arrive with the intention to worship God. The specifics are less important, as our Christian understanding would be that Jesus looks at our hearts:
1 Samuel 16:7: "The Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart"
Also, we have implemented certain things to make it easier for you to join in, such as hymn boards, service booklets, and a clear repetitive structure.
Do I Need To Prepare?
No! Our encouragement to you would be to suggest that all you have to do is come with an open heart, ready to worship God, who Christians understand to be both our Creator and Lord: whose nature and purposes are most clearly revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
How Will I Know What To Do?
At each service you will be handed by a wonderful member of our church a hymn book and a service booklet with the whole service written down for you. The booklet will indicate to you which parts you will be asked to join in with (bold text and/or "All:").
Even if you still feel lost, have a look around and follow the lead of others. Our services all follow a simple pattern that you will be able to get used to very quickly.
Even if you still feel lost, have a look around and follow the lead of others. Our services all follow a simple pattern that you will be able to get used to very quickly.
Is There Someone I Can Talk To Before I Go?
Of course. Your main go-to-person should be Rev. Adrian Thompson, our Priest in Charge. To get in touch click the button below which will take you to our contact page and form.
Can I Attend If I Am Not Sure If I Believe?
Yes. Church is the perfect place to discover your faith, join in with worship, and talk to other Christians who would be more than happy to answer any questions you have.
More Information.
If you still would like to know more, there are great resources on the Church of England website ( As well as many other online resources to help you along your path.
Here are some resources that we hope you will find useful if you want to explore Christian faith and life further:
Here are some resources that we hope you will find useful if you want to explore Christian faith and life further:
On Christianity Basics:
- What is Christianity?:
- What is a Christian?:
- What do Christians believe?
- What is the impact of being a Christian on everyday life?:
How might you become equipped to ‘journey’ through life as a Christian ‘Pilgrim’?
One helpful part of the answer to such equipping is though Christian ‘Formation’ (historically known as ‘Catechism’):
In the early church this process of formation for baptism and for lifelong discipleship was called catechesis. The aim is to build a resounding inner echo of God’s word - an image of Christ at the centre of each disciple’s life, through learning very simple core texts by heart.
From earliest times, the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer formed the basis of what became known as a catechism : a simple and compelling way of forming disciples in the Christian faith and helping them to live out that faith with joy. The Commandments and the Beatitudes were also used from earliest . The catechism in the Book of Common Prayer is the best known example in the Anglican tradition.
A new Pilgrim catechism – “The Pilgrim Way” - stands in the great tradition, consciously drawing on all that has gone before. It also offers something new for today's generation of Christians, helping us to understand and live out our faith and identity as followers of Jesus Christ.
It is offered as a resource to help Christian people understand and grow in their faith in the conviction that the renewal and revival of catechesis is urgently needed in today's church.
Other ‘Christian basics’ references:
- Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis.
- Simply Christian by Tom Wright.
- The Meaning of Jesus by N. T. Wright.
- 39 Articles of Religion (of the Church of England:
For Archaeological and Historical Evidence:
- Expedition Bible on YouTube.
On Christian Theology:
- Christian Theology : An Introduction by Alister E. McGrath (6th Edition, 2016) Wiley Blackman
- On Guard by William Lane Craig.
- Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by William Lane Craig.
More Advanced:
- The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology (2012), William L Craig (ed), J. P. Moreland (ed)
- John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion.
- John Henry Newman's Works
On Prayer:
- How to Pray: a Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Greig.
For Bible Study:
- Time to Pray - The Church of England’s ‘Time to Pray’ app, offers text and an audio of verses from Psalms, the New Testament and other liturgy and prayers to resource a possible two short periods of prayer and reflection on a short bible passage each day:
- Daily Bible Reflections:
- Lectio 365 - This is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day:
- The Bible Gateway -
- Blue Letter Bible -
- What is Christianity?:
- What is a Christian?:
- What do Christians believe?
- What is the impact of being a Christian on everyday life?:
How might you become equipped to ‘journey’ through life as a Christian ‘Pilgrim’?
One helpful part of the answer to such equipping is though Christian ‘Formation’ (historically known as ‘Catechism’):
In the early church this process of formation for baptism and for lifelong discipleship was called catechesis. The aim is to build a resounding inner echo of God’s word - an image of Christ at the centre of each disciple’s life, through learning very simple core texts by heart.
From earliest times, the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer formed the basis of what became known as a catechism : a simple and compelling way of forming disciples in the Christian faith and helping them to live out that faith with joy. The Commandments and the Beatitudes were also used from earliest . The catechism in the Book of Common Prayer is the best known example in the Anglican tradition.
A new Pilgrim catechism – “The Pilgrim Way” - stands in the great tradition, consciously drawing on all that has gone before. It also offers something new for today's generation of Christians, helping us to understand and live out our faith and identity as followers of Jesus Christ.
It is offered as a resource to help Christian people understand and grow in their faith in the conviction that the renewal and revival of catechesis is urgently needed in today's church.
- Pilgrim, what do you seek? To follow in the way of Jesus Christ.
- What is the way of Jesus Christ? To live in God's love and enjoy God for ever.
- Pilgrim, who is God? God is the source of all being, the one for whom we exist.
Other ‘Christian basics’ references:
- Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis.
- Simply Christian by Tom Wright.
- The Meaning of Jesus by N. T. Wright.
- 39 Articles of Religion (of the Church of England:
For Archaeological and Historical Evidence:
- Expedition Bible on YouTube.
On Christian Theology:
- Christian Theology : An Introduction by Alister E. McGrath (6th Edition, 2016) Wiley Blackman
- On Guard by William Lane Craig.
- Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by William Lane Craig.
More Advanced:
- The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology (2012), William L Craig (ed), J. P. Moreland (ed)
- John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion.
- John Henry Newman's Works
On Prayer:
- How to Pray: a Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Greig.
For Bible Study:
- Time to Pray - The Church of England’s ‘Time to Pray’ app, offers text and an audio of verses from Psalms, the New Testament and other liturgy and prayers to resource a possible two short periods of prayer and reflection on a short bible passage each day:
- Daily Bible Reflections:
- Lectio 365 - This is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day:
- The Bible Gateway -
- Blue Letter Bible -